Sponsoring Sliced Bread Day in Missouri
Ninety years earlier, on July 7, 1928, Chillicothe Baking Company was the first commercial bakery in the world to offer machine-sliced bread for sale, marking a milestone in the baking industry. The machine used to cut the bread was the Rohwedder Bread Slicer, named after its inventor, Otto Rohwedder. At the time, many bakers believed slicing loaves prior to sale would cause them to lose freshness. "We take sliced bread for granted, but this was a huge leap forward for bakers in the early 20th century," said Rick Oleshak, vice president of marketing, AB Mauri North America. "Any way you slice it, this is a part of American and baking history, and we're proud to lend our support."
The Fleischmann's Yeast brand is the oldest baker's yeast company and the first standardized commercial yeast in the United States. Introduced in 1868 by enterprising Austrian brewer, Charles Fleischmann, and his brother, Maximilian, Fleischmann's Yeast is now part of AB Mauri's portfolio of products, and 2018 marks the brand's 150th anniversary. The following is additional information on each Sliced Bread Day event this weekend. French Toast Breakfast - Kick off The Greatest Day Since Sliced Bread, with breakfast made from a sliced bread favorite - French Toast. The North Missouri Center for Youth and Family will host a breakfast from 610 a.m. at their facility located near the parade route at 211 Locust Street. This event is a fundraiser for the great work the center does for the youth of Chillicothe and a free will donation will be accepted. Color Fest 5K Run - The Grand River Area Family YMCA presents the 2nd Annual Color Fest 5k Run/Walk. The fun begins at the YMCA, 1725 Locust Street, with registration at 7 a.m. and the run at 8 a.m. The race finish is at Silver Moon Plaza on Webster Street in Downtown Chillicothe. An ending race celebration will be held with music, games, door prizes, color, color and more color. All participants will receive a registration gift. Registration fee is $30. For more info or to register, visit www.GrandRiverYMCA.org. Farmer's Market - Each and every Saturday from May to October, the Chillicothe Farmer's Market offers local, fresh, homemade and homegrown delights. Located in the Courthouse Square from 8 a.m. to Noon. Open Mic Event - Come and dough your own thing; bring your instrument and play what you want or just sit and enjoy the sounds of local musicians in beautiful Silver Moon Plaza from 8:30-11:30 a.m. Please Text Rodney Mouton at 760.546.8595 if you think you might want to participate. The Greatest Parade Since Sliced Bread - Join Main Street Chillicothe at 10 a.m. on July 7th as they celebrate the greatest things downtown with a parade through our beautiful and historic downtown district. The parade celebrates our heritage with the theme of "Innovation Through History" and every business, organization, school group and family is welcome and encouraged to enter. For free entry call 660-646-4071. Historic Preservation Seminars - The Livingston County Library, in partnership with Main Street Chillicothe, brings renowned Preservationist Bob Yapp to Chillicothe for a series of informative seminars. The 10 a.m. session focuses on windows, the noon session focuses on paint, and the 2 p.m. session focuses on energy efficiency. All sessions are on the 2nd floor of the library and are free and open to the public. "Knead to Be Creative" Kids Art Activities - Join the Cultural Corner Art Guild, located at the 424 Locust St, beginning at 11 a.m. for fun and creative bread dough sculpting activities for kids of all ages. Bread Contest and More - Call the Grand River Museum, 1401 Forest Drive, at 660-646-1341 for an entry from and information about the bread contest. Entries can be dropped off between 8-11 a.m. on July 7. The public can watch a vintage bread slicer in action and taste the bread entries beginning at 2 p.m. Also the museum will host an Antique and Vintage Collectibles Flea Market on the lot south west of the museum from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sliced Bread Jam Bluegrass Festival - Chillicothe welcomes the return of Queen of Bluegrass Rhonda Vincent! The Sliced Bread Jam is a popular musical event taking place on both Saturday July 7 and Sunday July 8 at the Performing Arts Center from 3-5 p.m. Saturday's Show features the Clint Campbell Family and the Petersen Family Bluegrass Band. And on Sunday, national award-winning 'Queen of Bluegrass' Rhonda Vincent and the Rage take the stage. This event is sponsored by the Chillicothe Area Arts Council. Call 660646-1173 for ticket info. Mudcat Baseball - Get Hooked on Mudcat's Baseball at Shaffer Park with a special game time of 5 p.m. Freedom Festival - A long-standing Chillicothe tradition will be one of the highlights of Sliced Bread Day. The festivities begin at 5 p.m. in Simpson Park including food trucks, inflatables and games for the kids, live music from the band Hired Gun and the largest fireworks display in North Missouri at dark.